
Minis Competition - u6 to u9
Girls and boys play together in under 5s to under 7s in non-contact 7 a side rugby. In 2025, games include the non-contact Try Tag Rugby format. In the under 8s and u9s tackling is introduced safely into games. Games are usually played on a Saturday and training is on a Friday night.
Juniors Competition - u10 - u12
Girls and boys can continue to play together in mixed teams without any restrictions in the first three years of the junior competition. This season usually runs from April to August and is played on a combination of Friday nights and/or Sunday. Training night is dependent on the age group but is either Tuesday or Thursday.
There may be some opportunities in 2025 for girls only from u10 to u12 in a 10 a side competitions however girls will most likely need to choose whether they play mixed or girls only as the competitions will be run on the same day and may be at same time and/or different venues. There will also be other opportunities from the SJRU or NSWJRU to participate in girls only events. We will keep you posted for these offerings.
In 2025, girls who turn 13 in 2025 and older will be required to play in an all girls team. Previously under the SJRU rules, girls were able to play in the mixed junior teams with various gender and age/size dispensation. This has ended. Reach out to the VP Girls to discuss your preferences for you or your daughter or to understand the new rules!
Girls only teams - Juniors u12 - u18 (opens)
Winter season - 10 players a side
Girls can participate in a 10 a side for a full winter season.
There may be some opportunities in 2025 for girls only from u12 (and maybe u11) in a 10 a side competitions however girls at this age will need to choose whether they play mixed or girls only as the competitions will be run on the same day and may be at same time and/or different venues. There may also be other opportunities from the SJRU or NSWJRU to participate in girls only events. We will keep you posted for these offerings.
Games are on Sunday. Time of game will depend on number of teams in the competition and venue options. Girls train on Thursday night 5.30 to 7.00pm.
In 2025 this will run from 6 April until 31 August 2025 and will be a single game of 40-50 minutes per week.
We are super excited to run a full winter competition for the girls and hope to see not only 7s players expanding their skill base in a 10s format but our girls that love the XVs technical components of the game, getting an opportunity to train and build fitness to stay on the paddock for 40 to 50 minute games! If you have only ever played 7s at school - you need to give this one a go!
Girls only team - Juniors u12 - u18 (opens)
Spring season - 7s rugby
Girls will have one opportunity to participate in a 7s rugby season later in the calendar year.
Games are on Sunday. Times of games will depend on number of teams in the competition and venue options. Girls train on Thursday night 5.30 to 7.00pm.
This will run for 5 weeks on a Sunday from 19 October to 16 November 2025 with two 14 minute sevens games per week.
Representative Pathways
Wahroonga is also part of the Gordon District and we are able to facilitate the representative pathway for those girls who choose to participate at that level. The opportunity to get involved in district rugby generally commences in the u10-12 age group in a mixed team and is girls only from around under 13. We will always provide our girls with information about accessing trials for these opportunities.
Now is your chance to become part of the Wahroonga Tigers and as a girl either play mixed or girls only rugby at our club.